An Intense Study Program on Integrated Reporting was organised in Breda. The event was held at Avans University, under supervision of Tom Vos, Saba Norman Ali and Charlotte Filippini. Together…
MONTICELLI MARTINA – Forlì Campus The Integrated Reporting: a new tool to communicate how an organization creates value over time. The Pattern Group Spa case. This work explores the Integrated…
CAMAIONI DAVIDE – Forlì Campus Abstract The Sustainability Report: the Enel Spa Case In this dissertation, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CRP) and the Sustainability Report are discussed. As for CSR,…
ZAMA FEDERICA – Forlì Campus Abstract “Analysis of the Sustainability Report of Tassano Group” In this dissertation, the Tassano Group’s Sustainability Reports of 2016, 2017 and 2018 have been analysed.…
CARBONE ILARIA – Forlì Campus Extended abstract “The importance of the Integrated Report: an analysis in the banking and the insurance sectors” The aim of this thesis is to highlight…
SPENSIERI GAIA – Forlì Campus From the Sustainability Report to the Integrated Report. The measurement of Human Capital: “the Ferrari Spa Case.” This work deals with the study of the…
BALDI LUDOVICA – Forlì Campus The Non-Financial Reporting: current and emerging models The following three-year thesis focuses on the progressive process of the Non-Financial Reporting, from voluntary to mandatory. First…
TONDINI MARIKA – Forlì Campus The Integrated Report and the evaluation of SMEs performance: some case studies This dissertation seeks to analyse the evolution of Corporate Reporting determined by the…
MATTIA D’ALESIO – Forlì Campus “Corporate communication and non-financial reporting: the IGD case” The purpose of this thesis is to highlight the importance of reporting non-financial information; in fact, it…
FAGGIOLI MATTIA – Forlì Campus The Non-financial Reporting in Italian SMEs. The Labomar, Euro Cosmetic and Assiteca Cases” Stakeholders’ interest is shifting towards social and environmental issues. This involves a…