Founded in 1875, Université Catholique de Lille is a multidisciplinary institution which combines 5 faculties (Les facultés de l’université catholique de Lille), 18 schools, institutes, and Grandes Ecoles, and a hospital group. It is France’s largest private, not-for-profit university, with an enrollment of 30.000 students.




After graduating with Master degree in Management Science from the University of Pavia (Italy), she obtained a Master’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Nancy in 2005 (France) and gained excellent experience of financial and management accounting, having then worked as a management controller for 2 years, in a French company.
She was then engaged in a process of doctoral research before being awarded a Ph.D in Management Sciences from the University of Lorraine and one from the University of Pisa in December 2012. Her Ph.D’s were obtained within the framework of the international co-supervision agreement, involving the two Universities.
She worked for several years at the University of Lorraine and then she joint Renmin University of China. She had some experiences as visiting professor in international Universites. Now she is Dean of the faculty of Management and Economic and Science at University Catholic of Lille.
Her research interests are the integration of socio-environmental information in annual corporate report, Sustainability accounting  and reporting, and the explanation business model in corporate reporting.

De Villiers, C.,  Hsiao, P.K.,  Zambon, S., Magnaghi, E., (2022) Sustainability, Non-Financial, Integrated, and Value Reporting (Extended External Reporting): A conceptual framework and an agenda for future research, Meditari Accountancy Research, DOI: 10.1108/MEDAR-04-2022-1640.

Aureli, S., Magnaghi, E., Salvatori, F., (2019), The Role of Existing Regulation and Discretion in Harmonising Non-Financial Disclosure, Accounting in Europe, DOI: 10.1080/17449480.2019.1637529

Trébucq, S., Magnaghi E., (2017), « Le passage d’un rapport rse à un reporting intégré. Étude de cas de l’entreprise Adam, une PME spécialisée dans le packaging des vins et spiritueux ». Recherche et cas en Sciences de Gestion, N°17, ISSN : N° 2117-802X,

Trébucq, S., Magnaghi E., (2017), « Cas PME frappant à l’entrée du paradis du reporting intégré : le cas d’ADAM ». Recherche et cas en Sciences de Gestion, N°17, ISSN : N° 2117-802X.

Magnaghi, E., (2017), « Business model et reporting intégré : quelle pertinence de l’approche de l’IIRC ? », Gestion 2000, N°4, ISSN : 0773-0543

Magnaghi E., R. Aprile (2014). « Integrated Reporting: a Theoretical perspective on this critical issue ». Journal of Business and Economics, ISSN 2155 – 7950, USA, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp. 1320-1337. DOI:10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/08.05.2014/012 

Magnaghi E., (2016). « La nouvelle frontière du reporting d’entreprise : le reporting intégré. » Éditions Universitaires Européennes, ISBN 978-3-639-50493-4.


Eleonora Veglianti is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management, Economy and Sciences – University Catholic of Lille, France. She holds a Post Doc. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics and Management at University of Perugia, Italy She collaborates with several universities. She spent different periods abroad to collect data for her researches. She was a visiting Ph.D. student in Wuhan University, in China. She is author of several scientific papers. Her main focus is on smart services for a smart society. She studies different components of this smart service field such as smart cities. She is also interested in digital transformation and innovation issues.




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